Wednesday, 4 August 2021
Items of Business
Item Subject Page
09.07 2020-2021 Financial Statements Audit
Attachment 1:..... 2020-2021 General Purpose Statement.................................................... 5
Attachment 2:..... 2020-2021 Special Purpose Statement..................................................... 6
09.08 2017-2022 Delivery Program and 2020-2021 Operational Plan - Six Monthly Progress Report as at 30 June 2021
Attachment 1:..... Attachment A - 2020-2021 Operational Plan Exception Report as at 30 June 2021.................................................................................................. 7
Attachment 2:..... Attachment B - 2020-2021 Operational Plan Six Monthly Progress Report as at 30 June 2021.................................................................................. 11
09.09 Glasshouse Biannual Report and Update on Glasshouse Plan 2020 - 2022 Actions
Attachment 1:..... Glasshouse Financial Statement 30 June 2021................................... 146
Attachment 2:..... Update on Glasshouse Plan 2020 - 2022 Actions - July 2021............. 147
09.10 2020-2021 Carry-over Projects
Attachment :....... 2020-2021 Carry-over Report................................................................ 150
09.11 Monthly Budget Review - July 2021
Attachment :....... July 2021 Budget Review...................................................................... 161
09.12 Temporary Waiver of Fees - Port Macquarie Senior Citizens Club & The Hub Business and Co-Working Centre
Attachment 1:..... Extract from 2021 - 2022 PMHC Fees and Charges - PMQ Senior Citizens Club.......................................................................................... 164
Attachment 2:..... The Hub Business & Co-Working Centre Information Flyer................. 165
09.13 Draft Sustainability Policy and Draft Climate Change Response Policy
Attachment 1:..... Draft Sustainability Policy...................................................................... 166
Attachment 2:..... Draft Climate Change Response Policy................................................ 172
Attachment 3:..... Proposed Climate Change Response Strategy Development Process 178
09.14 Bushfire Disaster Recovery Funding
Attachment 1:..... Attachment 1 $250k NSW Bushfire Community Resilience and Economic Recovery Fund....................................................................................... 179
Attachment 2:..... Attachment 2 $1.4m Australian Government Bushfire Disaster Recovery Funding.................................................................................................. 180
09.15 Grant Applications Biannual report
Attachment :....... Grants Register 2020-2021................................................................... 183
10.01 Cultural Plan 2021 - 2025
Attachment 1:..... Draft Cultural Plan 2021 - 2025............................................................. 189
Attachment 2:..... Submissions Summary Table - Draft Cultural Plan............................... 227
Attachment 3:..... PMHC Cultural Economy Project.......................................................... 230
10.03 Recreation Action Plan - Annual Update
Attachment 1:..... Recreation Action Plan 2020-2025........................................................ 277
Attachment 2:..... Recreation Action Plan 2021-2025........................................................ 290
11.01 COVID-19 Recovery and Stimulus Projects Update
Attachment 1:..... Attachment 1 $1.49m COVID Relief Reserve Funding......................... 303
Attachment 2:..... Attachment 2 $1.8m Local Roads & Community Infrastructure Phase 1 306
Attachment 3:..... Attachment 3 $3.4m Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program Phase 2.................................................................................................. 308
12.01 Notice of Motion - Community Poll on Fluoridation
Attachment :....... Correspondence - Comments concerning concerns raised by constituents about Community poll on Fluoridation - Hon Brad Hazzard MP to Mayor............................................................................................................... 310
12.03 Proposed Settlement Shores Canals Estate fee - Report on Community Engagement outcomes
Attachment 1:..... Settlement Shores Canal Maintenance Fee Engagement Report........ 311
Attachment 2:..... Submission responses........................................................................... 329
12.04 Planning Proposal 2017 - 4.1 Crestwood Park Recreation Precinct - Post Exhibition Report
Attachment 1:..... A. PP2017 - 4.1 - Submissions Summary - July 2021.......................... 332
Attachment 2:..... B. PP2017 - 4.1 - Gateway Determination - October 2020................... 359
Attachment 3:..... C. Biodiversity Conservation Division Letter - April 2021..................... 361
Attachment 4:..... D. NSW Rural Fire Service Letter - May 2021...................................... 363
Attachment 5:..... E. Exhibited Planning Proposal PP2017 - 4.1 - June 2021.................. 364
12.05 Land Acquisition - Houston Mitchell Drive, Lake Cathie
Attachment 1:..... Attachment 1.......................................................................................... 405
Attachment 2:..... Attachment 2.......................................................................................... 406
Attachment Ordinary Council
What we are trying to achieve
A community that works together in decision making that is defined as ethically, socially and environmentally responsible.
We will have:
• A community that has the opportunity to be involved in decision making
• Open, easy, meaningful, regular and diverse communication between the community and decision makers
• Partnerships and collaborative projects, that meet the community’s expectations, needs and challenges
• Knowledgeable, skilled and connected community leaders
• Strong corporate management that is transparent
How we will get there
1.1 Inform and engage with the community about what Council does using varied communication channels
1.2 Maintain strong partnerships between all stakeholders - local, state and federal — so that they are affective advocates for the community
1.3 Demonstrate leadership
1.4 Use innovative, efficient and sustainable practices
1.5 Ensure strong corporate and financial management that is transparent and accountable
Attachment Ordinary Council
What we are trying to achieve
A healthy, inclusive and vibrant community.
We will have:
• Community hubs that provide access to services and social connections
• A safe, caring and connected community
• A healthy and active community that is supported by recreational infrastructure
• A strong community that is able to identify and address social issues
• Community participation in events, programs, festivals and activities
How we will get there
2.1 Create a community that feels safe
2.2 Advocate for social inclusion and fairness
2.3 Provide quality programs, community facilities and public spaces, for example, community halls, parks and vibrant town centres
2.4 Empower the community through encouraging active involvement in projects, volunteering and events
2.5 Promote a creative and culturally rich community
Attachment Ordinary Council
What we are trying to achieve
A region that is a successful place that has vibrant, diversified and resilient regional economy that provides opportunities for people to live, learn, work, play and invest.
We will have:
• A strong economy that fosters a culture supportive of business and ensures economic development of the region
• Townships, villages and business precincts that are vibrant commercial, cultural, tourism, recreational and/or community hubs
• A region that attracts investment to create jobs
• Partnerships that maximise economic return and create an efficient and effective business environment
How we will get there
3.1 Embrace business and a stronger economy
3.2 Create vibrant and desirable places
3.3 Embrace opportunity and attract investment to support the wealth and growth of the community
3.4 Partner for success with key stakeholders in business, industry, government, education and the community
Attachment Ordinary Council
What we are trying to achieve
A connected, sustainable, accessible community and environment that is protected now and into the future.
We will have:
• Effective management and maintenance of essential water, waste and sewer infrastructure
• A community that is prepared for natural events and climate change
• Sustainable and environmentally sensitive development outcomes that consider the impact on the natural environment
• Accessible transport network for our communities
• Infrastructure provision and maintenance that meets community expectations and needs
• Well planned communities that are linked to encourage and manage growth
• Accessible and protected waterways, foreshores, beaches and bushlands
• An environment that is protected and conserved for future generations
• Renewable energy options that are understood and accessible by the community
How we will get there
4.1 Provide (appropriate) infrastructure and services including water cycle management, waste management, and sewer management
4.2 Aim to minimise the impact of natural events and climate change, for example, floods, bushfires and coastal erosion
4.3 Facilitate development that is compatible with the natural and built environment
4.4 Plan for integrated transport systems that help people get around and link our communities
4.5 Plan for integrated and connected communities across the Port Macquarie-Hastings area
4.6 Restore and protect natural areas
4.7 Provide leadership in the development of renewable energy opportunities
4.8 Increase awareness of issues affecting our environment, including the preservation of flora and fauna